The company should turn to make everyone, affected in a decision, happy in the long run. There are the stakeholders that are affected by all business decisions. In the full case of Mitsubishi, these were taking actions which were trying to increase their sales by making their cars look better than they actually are, mileage wise.
This was an effort to make many people happy, which are employees and management, but only for short-term. The management and employees were offering a great deal of cars prior to the news breaking, so everyone involved with the business was happy by causing more money. That is both management and employees. They did not think of the stockholders happiness when these were taking these actions.
This is because the stockholders lose cash when something unethical happens in the business, with the stock dropping. Initially, they were earning money when sales better were, but once the sale decreased they begin to lose money. Also, the clients are unhappy in cases like this because they are purchasing cars they are being lied to about.
In 2009, only 24 percent of business schools accepted the GRE. This year 2010, that quantity rose again to 39 percent and topped off at 52 percent this season. Kaplan, which gives courses and materials to students studying for either test, conducts the survey of admissions officials at more than 265 business schools nationally, Mitchell said.
But relatively few candidates are submitting GRE scores up to now. Mitchell said it was likely that few students knew about the option or thought that submitting a GMAT score was a “statement of seriousness” in seeking a graduate business level. Even though many of the very best business institutions in the country do accept the GRE, several, like the University of Chicago’s Booth program still require a GMAT score. The Carlson School encourages GRE scores for both the full-time and part-time MBA programs, but students still need to submit a GMAT score to receive scholarships for the full-time program, Hill said.
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Abou Amara, president of the School’s Professional and Graduate Pupil Assembly, welcomes the noticeable change, especially as an aid to students seeking a dual degree. “It’s becoming quite typical for students to pursue dual-degree programs,” Amara said. Amara also said allowing a GRE rating for admissions may diversify the prospective student people for Carlson School, meaning students will be able to attract on diverse backgrounds to solve problems both in classes and their future professions. “Whatever sector you’re in, you’re going to need people who can critically think, who are able to think in an interdisciplinary fashion,” Amara said.
A major revision to the GRE test launched Aug. 1, with new scores not expected until November. Test administrators scrapped many vocabulary-based questions, concentrating on reading understanding – similar to the GMAT’s setup instead. The GRE changes were likely motivated to appeal to the business school market, Mitchell said. “The dust is still settling when it comes to the new GRE,” he said.